Policies and Procedures
Open access before and after school.
- Hall pass required during school hours.
- Students must get a pass from the teacher whose work they need to complete to come to the library during Academic Success Time.
- Lunch access: You do not need a hall pass during lunch if you arrive before the tardy bell rings for lunch. Once the tardy bell rings, you must have a hall pass to come to the library (even from cafeteria). You must remain for the entire lunch period.
- Students are expected to read and/or study.
- The computers should be used for educational purposes. No games will be allowed at any time during the school day. Use should follow the guidelines in the student handbook.
- No food or drink in the library.
Some notes about printing:
- Whenever possible, save the document to your flash drive, google drive, or email it rather than printing.
- Printers are set to print 2-sided to conserve paper. You must set them to print one-sided if you need one-sided documents.
- You are only allowed to print:
- class assignments.
- single copies.
- You are not allowed to print:
- class notes.
- multiple copies of handouts for your class.
Students are limited to 5 color copies for each print job and are asked to speak with library staff prior to printing in color to avoid waste.
Library Materials for Checkout
- Books and Audiobooks (see Library Catalog)
- Magazines
- 5 iPad Mini devices
- User agreement is required
- iPad mini devices do require wireless computer access to internet.
- Students may download & check-out ebooks from the AXIS 360 catalog.
- 7 student laptops
- User agreement is required.
- Laptops will NOT access Internet.
- 7 MP3 players
- User agreement is required.
- Only allowed to load audiobooks provided by library or audiobooks in public domain.
- Students are responsible for loss of or damage to materials checked out in his/her name. The charge will be the replacement cost of the item.
- See the Library Policies and Procedures for more information on Check Out Policies
- Refunds are available for materials that are returned in original condition and have not been replaced.
- Fines must be cleared and all materials must be returned before final exam exemptions.
Charger cords are only checked out with the devices and may not be borrowed to charge phones or other devices.